Though I pursue my engineering instead, I am still passionate and willing to exercise my dream of defending your rights. You have the right to remain silent, ano pa ba, yun lang alam ko eh. Just joking.
But seriously in another point of view, as we give up our rights, God releases power and to convince you further read 1 Corinthians 9:4-19, written there is how the Apostle Paul gave in his rights to win people to God. v19 states "I am not anyone's slave. But I have become a slave to everyone, so that I can win as many people as possible." See? We should not defend our rights all the time.
In our cellgroup, we had discussed these things and found out many circumstances where we choose to give up our rights for our loveones, family, friends, atbp. Depriving ourselves of a time to rest just to serve a friend in times of needs. Playing with your child after work instead of directly going to bed and sleep. Fetching your wife from work eventhough you are tired, not my experience just an observation. A company manager told me he can't join the cellgroup because his wife is waiting for him to take her from the office, manager turned driver. Serve first.
Tonight is our second cell meeting, present beside me are Bong, Mark, Hanford, and Arvin.