While waiting for the product demo to start, I sat beside a fellow engineer who is a little older than I am in the company. He asked me if my wristwatch is still okey and functions well, so I looked at it and told him it is doing well. We both have a common watch given by the company as a gift from last year's recognition night.
Then, he remarked "Our life turns like a watch, a daily routine." I answered, "Yes, it is. Just like everyone here, we were born, go to school, work, later have a family, children, and so on.. and die." Amazing, isn't it? Most of us follow the same patern.
But, I got a chance to tell him about what I read from the book "Purpose Driven Life" by Rev. Rick Warren. Words just came out from me spontaneously about the adventures I have when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I told him that I thought Christianity is a boring experience but I was completely wrong. There's a lot of things to discover and obstacles to overcome. But there's always a God that will help you and guide you along the way. Life is not easy there but the joy inside is overwhelming. I think life doesn't follow the same pattern again.
It is for you to discover. I want you to sincerely receive what I also received.
Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Good night.
1 comment:
Hello Charlo...It's me again..Hehehe...I'm just curious..Who's that fellow engineer you mentioned in your blog? Hehehe...Keep on writing Charl so that I have something to read when I'm bored..
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