Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Strange things...

A friend texted me the following message:

"Isnt it strange hw a 100-bill appears to b a large amount wn u donate it to church bt such a smol amt wn u go shopng? Isnt it strange hw 1hour seems so long wn ur n church & hw short wn ur havng fun? Isnt it strange hw evryone wants front-row-tikets on concerts or shows, bt dey do watevr s posible tojus sit at d last row n d church? A usual bt strange reality. We say GOD s r priority bt do we prove it evrydy?.,"

Sent by Marie Mariko 09Sep2008 07:31:38am


Rommel Ryan Ablas said...

Let's stop being Jesus's Fans Club, and start being a Jesus Disciple!

let us be early in church, sit not in the back, pay our tithes and give offerings. and let us help in the Great Commission! Lets be a Jesus Disciple!

powergiver said...

Yes! Let's do it..