I used to go out in my comfort zone, so I went there to evaluate the Table Topics Session. This is the second time that I became an Evaluator. The first time was in our Dalight. It worths, the time I spent there was enjoyable and fulfilling. Questions throwned include "Do you believe in ghosts?", "If you are a ghost, where will you stay?", "If given a chance, who's ghost will you hunt?" and more. Someone also shared about his Ghost Encounter in the school.
After the meeting, they invited me and the rest of my fellow evaluators to attend their Davao Ros-Ver Pawnshop Search for Mr. and Ms. DRPI 2008 in Brokenshire Inland Resort, Madapo Hills, Davao City.
Connect it to the title hehe, our Pledge of Allegiance is:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Philippines and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible with liberty, justice and Democracy for all.
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