Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How much is your TIME?

If I live here on earth for 70 years, I will spend it in 613,620 hours. And to make you cram more, multiply it by 3,600 and you will get 2,209,032,000 seconds. You can use your cellphone to do the solving, don't waste your time looking for the calculator. Remember that every second counts.
I've just came from an overtime.

If I am paid around 120 per hour at present, it means 73,634,400 for a lifetime (if i reach 70, only God knows) assuming a fixed income. Are you willing to trade-in a lifetime for a fortune? My answer is a big NO. We are worth far more than millions of money. God made us for a special purpose. Let's work not for money, let's work for God. He is our ultimate boss.
Hay, tulog na ko. Kapoy na kaayo mag english da.
Good night everybody... =)

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