Tonight is not the first time I listened to Ptr. Rich Witmer of Generations Church, Yuma, Arizona, USA. He is a humorous and powerful preacher in one. Indeed, there is no impossible with God, he can develop anyone into an effective agent of change.

I changed.
I used to criticize others lately, their habits, tempers, attitude towards ideas and more. Ptr. Rich mentioned that we need to make a small circle around us and start the revival inside. Three out of seven examples were discussed tonight, they are Abraham, Jacob, and Moses. They exemplified a changed life from inside out.
Easier said than done, this is true among us. I know we heard these thoughts several times already but found it hard to execute. Yes it is if we do it all by ourselves. We need the awesome power of God in everything. Remember, there is no impossible in Him.
Years ago, I know we are poor. We can hardly go to school even during high school, my mother needs to borrow a 20.00 for my allowance. If I spend it outside the budget, I need to walk almost 5 kilometers back home, and I did this several times. Looking at my situation, it seems hard for me to proceed in college. But the Power Giver is there to guide me, Impossible is nothing in God. I am always full of hope after meeting Him.
And the rest is HIStory. No, I didn't miss on typing. It is really His story, he is our scriptwriter and we need to follow his instructions.
Let the change begin within ourselves. =)